Please WAIT | Welcome | The Bottom Line | The Difficult Bit | Please remember

If you are presently engaged in any suicidal action PLEASE STOP AT ONCE 


Now please contact the emergency medical services

Please try and stay focussed, this is probably the most important call you will ever make, so please try and stay focussed. When reporting any emergency breathe slowly and deeply. Try to remember to speak slowly and clearly. Giving others the information they will need to help you: your name, the exact nature and actual location of the emergency and your contact number.

If possible,try to stay on the phone and follow any instructions that the emergency operator may give.

Emergency Service Hotlines

Australia OOO. Canada 911. Eire 112.

New Zealand 111. South Africa 000.

United Kingdom 999. United States 911.


 If you are going through a suicidal crisis - but are not in danger at this moment - then sharing your feelings with someone who is there for you 24 hours a day could prove to be exactly what you need at this present moment.
Australia 1800-193-193. Canada 1-800-667-5005. Eire 1850-60-90-90. New Zealand 0800-543-543. South Africa 0861-322-322. United Kingdom 08457-90-90-90. United States 1-800-784-2433.

If you are going through a suicidal crisis and are being torn between life or death - but don't want to discuss it with anyone (either face-to-face or by phone) at this moment, that's fine - you could possibly be in exactly the right place.