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WELCOME to  options2suicide
If things have now gotten so bad, that you are beginning to believe that the only way of putting an end to your emotional pain - is by putting an end to your physical life,  you are in great danger.
Suicide is not the only means of putting an end to the emotional pain you are going through.
  • The fact that you're actually physically here, reading this message right now means that you could be trapped inside a terrifying emotional  nightmare - seemingly without end.
  • If this is so, you will be painfully aware that you need to end your suffering at any cost. Even if this cost involves dying. The suffering must stop.
  • You are right of course. You do need to end your suffering - you do need to heal the pain.  But suicide is not the way to end your suffering. Suicide will not heal your pain.  Suicide simply passes this pain onto someone else to deal with.
  • However, at this moment - being trapped in this emotional nightmare you will be feeling torn apart by the need to live, and the desire to die. As strange as it may seem, this is a positive sign.
  • The pain you are experiencing is very real. It hurts. It is not something which is simply 'in your head'. Your pain has now got to a point where it is overwhelming your capacity to cope - and it is becoming insufferable. It is simply too much to bear - and it feels like it will never go away.
  • As this pain increases - the need to die also grows stronger. This is because emotional pain saps your will to live as you grow ever weaker. In the situation you are going through, this really is understandable.
  • Given the pain you're in, your need to end it all is both perfectly natural and healthy -  No one wants to suffer. No one.
  • Suffering is unhealthy, so your choice not to suffer is a perfectly healthy choice.
  • If you wanted to continue living in pain you would have to be mad. But you're not. The fact that you would sooner die than continue suffering proves that you are not mad.  It is vital that you appreciate this. This is a truth.
  • You are not crazy, wicked, weak, or going mad. You are suffering. You need this pain to stop. This pain is not stopping which is why you are experiencing this emotional nightmare.
  • Please bear one thing in mind, and that is that what you are experiencing is a condition. BUT YOU ARE NOT A CONDITION.  You are you. You  are hurting, but you are still you. Please do not forget that.
  • Another thing to remember is that conditions do improve. Conditions come and go. Perhaps they may never be the same as before - but conditions do improve.
  • At this moment, you are probably feeling alone and trapped inside a truly frightening place.  Where (given the feelings which you are experiencing) it is perfectly normal to feel that the only way to end your emotional pain is to end your physical life. Millions of us know this place.
  • Throughout the history of our species countless millions of others have actually been through this dreadful thing and survived. SO CAN WE. With this in mind, it is important that we understand that there are millions of others who share our pain and what we are going through.
  • The fact that there are so many millions of others who have, and do survive a suicidal crisis is itself quite inspirational and should fill us with hope. It is proof that options to suicide really do exist.
Stay with me on this please you are not alone.
Let's recap
Emotional pain can be agonising and can cause misery and suffering well beyond our capacity to survive that pain. This is what is happening. You are not weak minded. You are not a freak. You are a human being who is going through a truly terrible time at the moment; and your power to cope is being overwhelmed by intense emotional pain.
  • I know that I may be repeating myself and that it is hard to believe, but this pain will pass. No matter how bad it is and how much worse it will become. One thing is sure. Eventually - it will diminish.
  • The suicidal thoughts and feelings which you're experiencing is a natural response to the pain you're going through. These too will diminish in the fulness of time. But at this moment, you will still be experiencing suicidal thoughts and feelings. Do not be afraid.
  • Remember one important truth, there is a world of difference between having suicidal thoughts and acting upon them. Whilst it is ok to have such thoughts, it's not ok to act upon them.
  • Suicide is not a coping strategy. Suicide is a killer. Suicide does not heal. Suicide guarantees you will never heal. Suicide does not end pain, it passes it on to someone else. Suicide is not a sanctuary. Suicide is not an option.
